I HATE CMS (Content Management System) like WordPress, Shopify, and Wix to name a few (but Drupal is okay) Child Maintenance Service can get on the list too cause you guys S.U.C.K (never been there but you guys got insane domestic violence reports) JavaScript is the worst HAHAHAHA you developers literally get shunned by the ultra-paranoid security people, but also me too cause I run a microwave for a device and there's nothing more I hate than a website with JavaScript animating the whole website like DAMN GET A JOB AT DISNEY and on the topic of designing I cannot stand clients who request if I do HTML and CSS like YEAH I DO but not for YOU cause you will ask for 100000+ revisions and leave me with a 1 star review like ALWAYS so I've not developed my skills from what is maybe 1990 as per seen on this awfully built website and MAYBE I can work around PHP, MariaDB, GoLang and Python but tell me to do something without my dear-loved Google and watch me crumble into thousands of pieces doing try and error, and YES I use Google and not the primitive version of Bing (aka DuckDuckGo) IT'S NOT EVEN THAT BAD (with consideration that it has far fewer servers than Google) it's just the UX of it is soooo fucking shit and out-dated like how do you visibly look at it?!? Oh yeah they also do cencorship, or so I've heard (most likely they do lol) BUT DuckDuckGo got some amazing services like holy shit when they released their email forwarding service I was so excited, and then /chat (aka duck.ai) I was so happy, and while these are the basic shit at the moment, tell me ONE service that allows you to do this without the stupid fucking CloudFlare, Hcaptcha and ReCaptcha analysing your ballsacks to find out if you are a robot or human like stoooooooop let me do my SHIT I feel like crying when completing those cause you have so many like just let me throughhhhhhh, and its ironic because I use CloudFlare but God Forbid will I ever enforce their Captchas (I might have to one day sadly), not to mention that I have to change my User Agent to a Windows 10 with Chrome, when I use FireFox on Debian and that's because I LIKE IT, I hate the looks and feels of Chromium and love Gecko (so innately ThunderBird is my beloved) ugh how I love different types of telecommuncation like I'm OBSESSED with emails, XMPP SMS, VoIP, Non-VoIP, faxes, pagers, modems, satellite, infra-red, RADIOS and ugh so much more I will go in an infinite rant about them but they are bassicly the main core of everything, it's so sad how we are drifting away from the older technology to use IM (Instant Messaging) like okay its the future but I want to use pagers, faxes and radio communication like it looks so much fun why do you guys have to grow up so quicklyyy, sometimes I wonder what will happen to old systems after the Epochalypse, Y2K38 superbug, 19 January 2038, bassicly the day UNIX time will have this overflow that will make the device unfunctional or something like that, which reminds me of the Y2K problem that people made up lolol and it's actually funny to think about it, that 38 years later the problem will ACTUALLY affect the computer , instead of some minor problem with time. 666 + 666 + 666 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 2016 was also something funny, +3 it'll be 2018, +6 it'll be 2022 and then add +9 it'll be 2025, damn we are doomed lol